Thursday, November 12, 2009

دائرة الذكريات

أتعرف الذكرى والذكريات؟؟
أتعرف معنى ان تشتاق للحظات..
أركان غرفة,,أريكة دافئة,, وأشياء صغيرة من الممتلكات
تبحث عن الدفئ بين اللحظات
ها انا اترقب الزمان
اترقب ان يعود لي الامان
او ان يغمرني الحنان
طفلة هدتني ذكرى الطفولة
ذكرتني بالضحكة الأولى
وبالآلآم التي كانت على قلبي محمولة
دائرة تجذبني لها..إنها دائرة الذكريات
تجذبني إليها بقوة إشتياق
إشتياق لنفسي وحماسي واحساسي
ويظهر لي سؤال..
هل سأعود للماضي أم أترقب الأمام
أمشي في طريق مظلم 
ولكن هناك بريق للآمان

Friday, November 6, 2009

If I had a super power

I always think about what if i could have a super power. What would i choose?? Let me think ummmm... okay I'll tell you somthing, I love to singe but I'm not a good singer. I like drawing and I'm learning it. Think deeper ummm. Voici le, here it's, I would choose to be a mindreader. I could hear and see visuals of people's thoughts and animals too. I'm curious about what people could be thinking about, while there mind taking them away. Isn't it would be fantastic?I think this power no machine would ever be invented for. Time traveling too is one of the power no one can invent a machine for it .
By The way, I watched mind freak show with Criss Angel . He actually derived Mandi More car's totally blind and he actually drived her to a place she thought about and he order food for her. It was exactly what she want it. I think if somebody cleared his mind he can actually read others mind.

Here it's the episode i was talking about. It will blow out your mind.


Finally, Just tell mer which power would you choose to have ?